I got tagged by FallenLeaf:
List 5 things that make you happy:
1. My puppy Charlotte.
2. Bounce Mania ( last post )
3. Rainy Days in the summer.
4. Doing stuff with my friends.
5. Annoying people when they call me weird or some other name by saying thank you. Luv it :p
List 5 of you favorite Christian Artists:
1. Britt Nicole
2. Toby Mac
3. Tenth Avenue North
4. Francessca Battistelli
5. SuperChick
List 3 of you favorite animals:
1. Dogs :)
2. Hamsters
3. Cats
Thanks FallenLeaf
I tag:
-Cori :)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Sorry :( Teen Girl's Daybook week 4

I am soooo sorry I forgot to post A teen Girl's Daybook yesterday.
I was pretty busy. So Here I go then..one day late:
Date: 2/27/10
Starting time: 6:03 pm
Mood: Um...not happy but not sad...actually I'm tired.
Outside my window: Falling wet snow.
I'm thinking: About Church tomorrow and the lunch with my aunt, uncle and cousin after it.
I'm reading: well...I'm trying to get back to reading the Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail carson Levine.
I'm listening to: something on tv that my dad is watching ( who knows what it is )
I'm wearing: My PJs (I know its early but they're comfy)
Yesterday I: Went to the mall
I'm excited about: Church tomorrow.
I'm sad because: I'm not sad right now.
I'm hungry for: Pizza.
The song stuck in my head is: Welcome to the Show by Britt Nicole.
I want: To go to Bounce Mania (a blow up thing place. I think you know what I'm talking about)
I love: Music
I hate: Not seeing my friends and being cooped up inside the house..
This week my goal is: Not sure right now.
Did I meet my goal of last week? NO!!!!!
Ending time: 6:11 pm
Thanks guys :)
-Cori :D
Teen Girl's Day Book.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
An Important Announcement :D
Hey everyone,
Ok so I have a HUGE announcement:
I knew it would be coming one of these days now but certainly not today :D
I went in to my regular orthodontist appointment and they said I was ready to get my braces off. They asked me if I had time today and if I really did want to get them off.
Of course I said yes.
It feels really funny now but I'll get used to it.
I also have a slight headache but that will pass too.
I am SOOOOOO happy!!!!!
Thanks everyone for reading :D
- A Super Happy Cori :D
Ok so I have a HUGE announcement:
I knew it would be coming one of these days now but certainly not today :D
I went in to my regular orthodontist appointment and they said I was ready to get my braces off. They asked me if I had time today and if I really did want to get them off.
Of course I said yes.
It feels really funny now but I'll get used to it.
I also have a slight headache but that will pass too.
I am SOOOOOO happy!!!!!
Thanks everyone for reading :D
- A Super Happy Cori :D
Saturday, February 20, 2010
My Mom's First Blog :)
I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend so far.
I have an announcement to make:
My mom has decided to create her own blog.
Its called "Just for Me to Bee Happy".
I luv the creative name. She's really into bees so that's why be is spelled bee.
Not because she spelled it wrong or anything..lol.
Anyway, stop by and check it out if you get the chance.
She just posted her first post so its not much yet, but it certainly will be soon.
Here is the URL: http://sunflour40.blogspot.com/
Thanks, and have a wonderful rest of the weekend.
-Cori :)
I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend so far.
I have an announcement to make:
My mom has decided to create her own blog.
Its called "Just for Me to Bee Happy".
I luv the creative name. She's really into bees so that's why be is spelled bee.
Not because she spelled it wrong or anything..lol.
Anyway, stop by and check it out if you get the chance.
She just posted her first post so its not much yet, but it certainly will be soon.
Here is the URL: http://sunflour40.blogspot.com/
Thanks, and have a wonderful rest of the weekend.
-Cori :)
Friday, February 19, 2010
A Fashionable Tag :)
Here's a cool tag from Bleah :)
Here I go:
1. Skinny jeans or flare jeans?: Skinny
2. Do you like graphic tees?: Luv 'em
3. What are your favorite stores?: Aeropostale, Old Navy, Justice ( sometimes ) Wet Seal
4. Do you prefer the Preppy look or Gothic look?: Not sure, definitely not goth.
5. The Mall or the thrift store?: MALL!!!! :D
6. Do you wear makeup?: Not all the time, but I do.
7. What is your style like?: Well, kind of in between happy and colorful and sophisticated
8. Do you wear designer clothes?: Um..no?
9. What type of shoes are you addicted to?: Right now ugg boots. Its winter so...
10. Do you like dresses?: They're ok.
11. What type of plaid do you prefer?: ????????
I tag:
Here I go:
1. Skinny jeans or flare jeans?: Skinny
2. Do you like graphic tees?: Luv 'em
3. What are your favorite stores?: Aeropostale, Old Navy, Justice ( sometimes ) Wet Seal
4. Do you prefer the Preppy look or Gothic look?: Not sure, definitely not goth.
5. The Mall or the thrift store?: MALL!!!! :D
6. Do you wear makeup?: Not all the time, but I do.
7. What is your style like?: Well, kind of in between happy and colorful and sophisticated
8. Do you wear designer clothes?: Um..no?
9. What type of shoes are you addicted to?: Right now ugg boots. Its winter so...
10. Do you like dresses?: They're ok.
11. What type of plaid do you prefer?: ????????
I tag:
A Teen Girl's Daybook week 3

Its Friday...
Time for a "Teen Girl's Daybook" again.
Here I go:
Date: 2/19/10
Starting Time: 10:05 am
Mood: Unhappy :(
Outside my window: Blinding sunlight with piles of snow on the ground.
I'm thinking: I'm not too excited about my doc. appointment today.
I'm reading: The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine.
I'm listening to: Water running in the bathroom.
I'm wearing: Navy blue aeropostale T-shirt and jeans.
Yesterday I: did nothing :(
I'm excited for: A potluck at my Church on Sunday.
I'm sad because: I can't go over to my friend Sammy's tonight because I might have Bronchitis.
I'm hungry for: Ugh not hungry just had breakfast.
The song stuck in my head is: Revelation by third day.
I want: To not be sick.
I love: My friends
I hate: being sick.
This week my goal is: To get over this illness.
Did I meet my goal of last week: NO!!!!!
Ending time: 10:11 am.
Thanks guys, for reading.
Have a better day than me..lol
-A sick Cori :(
Teen Girl's Day Book.

Thursday, February 18, 2010
The Last Song.

Ok so I wanted to post the trailer for "The Last Song" movie.
But I couldn't really find a way other than posting the link to it.
I promise it leads you right to it.
I don't know if you've seen a prview of it on tv or at the movie theaters, but it looks really cute to me. It has Miley Cyrus in it which I don't mean to affend anyone but I'm not a huge fan of her. I will say that she is very gifted in acting. Click Here to view the trailer
But I couldn't really find a way other than posting the link to it.
I promise it leads you right to it.
I don't know if you've seen a prview of it on tv or at the movie theaters, but it looks really cute to me. It has Miley Cyrus in it which I don't mean to affend anyone but I'm not a huge fan of her. I will say that she is very gifted in acting. Click Here to view the trailer
I got Tagged by Sammy!!!!
Its really long so bare with me...here we go:
Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? uh..no?
What is the last heavy item you lifted? This laptop.
What is your salad dressing of choice? Ranch and Ginger dressing
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? Ruby Tuesdays
What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it? Jimmy John's Subs
What are your pizza toppings of choice? Pineapple and ham
What do you like to put on your toast? Black berry jelly
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? not really
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Beth
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? sure, I'm up for the challenge..lol
How many pairs of flip-flops do you own? 1, i just recently threw some away
Last time you had a run-in with the cops? Last week...ok relax I'm kidding.
Last person you talked to in person? Sister Abby
Favorite month? not sure but I luv spring
Mood? Mad because I might have bronchitis
What are you listening to? Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.
Watching? Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Worrying about? My lungs, (bronchitis)
What's the last movie you watched? Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Do you smile often? Of course
Do you always answer your phone? Most of the time, I'm not a big fan though
If you could change your eye color, what would it be? Lavender
What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? um?
Do you own a digital camera? Yep, I share it with my sister.
Have you ever had a pet fish? Several
Favorite Christmas song? Angels we have heard on high
What's on your wish list for your birthday? not sure yet.
Can you do push-ups? Sorta
Can you do a chin-up? Yeppers
Do you have any saved texts? Most of the time, but I delete them after a while.
Ever been in a car wreck? um...kinda, not a bad one though
Do you have an accent? Well, everyone has an accent to someone else, but to me? No
What is the last song to make you cry? Christmas Shoes, it always does.
Plans tonight? I wish :(
Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? Um...lets go with sure.
Name 2 things you bought yesterday: Lunch at my homeschool co-op
You ever been given roses? Yep, from my daddy
Current hate right now? Illnesses, not being able to do something you really want to do because of an illness
Met someone who changed your life? All my friends changed my life :)
What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Trying to get to sleep, I went to bed at 11:30 last night.
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? My violin lesson that I didn't go to today.
How many televisions are in your house? 1
What color cell phone do you have? Black, White and Orange
What does the first text message in your inbox say and who sent it? My phone's off and I'm too lazy to get up..sorry.
Who was the last person to call you? My mom, I think.
Whew, that took a long time, anyway,
I shall tag:
Also please pray for me and my mom, we both have bronchitis.
Well my mom definitely does but I don't know about me yet.
Its really long so bare with me...here we go:
Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? uh..no?
What is the last heavy item you lifted? This laptop.
What is your salad dressing of choice? Ranch and Ginger dressing
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? Ruby Tuesdays
What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it? Jimmy John's Subs
What are your pizza toppings of choice? Pineapple and ham
What do you like to put on your toast? Black berry jelly
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? not really
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Beth
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? sure, I'm up for the challenge..lol
How many pairs of flip-flops do you own? 1, i just recently threw some away
Last time you had a run-in with the cops? Last week...ok relax I'm kidding.
Last person you talked to in person? Sister Abby
Favorite month? not sure but I luv spring
Mood? Mad because I might have bronchitis
What are you listening to? Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.
Watching? Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Worrying about? My lungs, (bronchitis)
What's the last movie you watched? Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Do you smile often? Of course
Do you always answer your phone? Most of the time, I'm not a big fan though
If you could change your eye color, what would it be? Lavender
What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? um?
Do you own a digital camera? Yep, I share it with my sister.
Have you ever had a pet fish? Several
Favorite Christmas song? Angels we have heard on high
What's on your wish list for your birthday? not sure yet.
Can you do push-ups? Sorta
Can you do a chin-up? Yeppers
Do you have any saved texts? Most of the time, but I delete them after a while.
Ever been in a car wreck? um...kinda, not a bad one though
Do you have an accent? Well, everyone has an accent to someone else, but to me? No
What is the last song to make you cry? Christmas Shoes, it always does.
Plans tonight? I wish :(
Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? Um...lets go with sure.
Name 2 things you bought yesterday: Lunch at my homeschool co-op
You ever been given roses? Yep, from my daddy
Current hate right now? Illnesses, not being able to do something you really want to do because of an illness
Met someone who changed your life? All my friends changed my life :)
What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Trying to get to sleep, I went to bed at 11:30 last night.
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? My violin lesson that I didn't go to today.
How many televisions are in your house? 1
What color cell phone do you have? Black, White and Orange
What does the first text message in your inbox say and who sent it? My phone's off and I'm too lazy to get up..sorry.
Who was the last person to call you? My mom, I think.
Whew, that took a long time, anyway,
I shall tag:
Also please pray for me and my mom, we both have bronchitis.
Well my mom definitely does but I don't know about me yet.

As most of you know I am a HUGE fan of the Percy Jackson series.
Well Rick Riordan has written a new series on egyptian mythology.
You can read the first chapter on disney.com . Here is the link to it: http://www.thekanechronicles.com/index.html
The series is called " The Kane Chronicles" and the book is called " The Red Pyramid"
I've read the first chapter and its pretty good. Its kind of confusing but it is only the first chapter. I can't wait until it comes out on May 4th
Above is a picture of the cover.
Thanks guys, enjoy.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
My First Homemade Award, well not really homemade.

Hey everyone, I took the instructions from Bleah and made an award. I decided to make one of those awards that you tag people for. That way it will continue showing up on other people's blogs. Anyway, here it is:
Ta Da!!!
Ta Da!!!
Its kind of plain but I think its cute. So here's what you have to do if you get tagged for this award:
1. Tell your readers (in your post) 7 things that make you happy that are a little unusual
2. Tag 5 or more people for the award.
3. and keep it going, I want to see how many blogs this will get on.
Thanks guys.
So I will start:
1. Thunderstorms at night when I'm in bed trying to get to sleep.
2. Looking at all the fun blog backgrounds they have on those website, and getting to pick one for mine.
3. Those little flowers that look like bells? Not sure what thier name is though.
4. Bible studies.
6. The funny names that people come up with for colors that look like regular colors to me.
7. Playing games with friends.
I shall tag:
Miss M
A Hopeful Romantic
Glow Fish
The Cow Girls
Rachel B
Ok so that's a lot I know, but if you follow me than you probably got this award.
Thanks again.
With Luv,
Cori :)
Monday, February 15, 2010
The Lightning Thief :)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines day :)
Today was awesome.
My mom, my sister, my aunt , my cousin and I went to see Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. We had planned to go and see it on saturday but Abby got sick. The movie was so awesome. I LOVED IT!!! For those of you who have read the book, the movie isn't much like it but it still was very well written.
My mom, my sister, my aunt , my cousin and I went to see Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. We had planned to go and see it on saturday but Abby got sick. The movie was so awesome. I LOVED IT!!! For those of you who have read the book, the movie isn't much like it but it still was very well written.
Anyway, thanks guys :)
-Cori :)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Purity Award :)

Hey everyone, again.
I just got an award from my friend Bleah:
Its actually for anyone who has made the promise to God to stay pure for their future husband. Its on her blog if you'd like to go and check it out.
She also made one for the guys who have made the promise to stay pure. She is also hoping to get 8 more followers on her blog by next week. So if you don't follow her already she would really appreciate it if you would. Thanks guys.
Happy V-Day again :)
Happy V-Day
Friday, February 12, 2010
A Teen Girl's Daybook. Week 2

It's Friday again :)
And that means...
My second post of a "Teen Girl's Daybook"
Anyway here I go:
And that means...
My second post of a "Teen Girl's Daybook"
Anyway here I go:
Date: 2/12/10
Starting time: 11:13 am
Mood: Sick and bored
Outside my window: Big piles of snow and lots of sun
I'm Thinking: That I am ready for lunch :p
I'm Reading: This post :)
I'm listening to: This crazy computer make funny noises.
I'm wearing: a striped long sleeved shirt and black skinny jeans.
Yesterday I: Did nothing because I was sick.
I'm excited for: Being able to go to the movies to see "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief" movie. eep!!
I'm sad because: My sissy is sick with a stomach flu.
I'm hungry for: Jimmy John's sups
The song stuck in my head is: Sing me a Love Song by BarlowGirl
I Want: FOOD!!!
I love: My sister
I hate: illnesses
This week my goal is to: Not get sick again.
Did I meet my goal of last week? Nope
Ending time: 11:24
Thanks guys.
And Happy Valentines day in advance.
Teen Girl's Day Book.

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Valentines Day Tag
I've never actually written my own tag.
So here I go:
What is your favorite valentines day tradition?
What is your favorite thing to get on Valentines day?
Chocolate or Flowers?
Red or Pink?
Ok so that's all I can come up with right now so...
I shall tag:
With Valentines Day love,
Cori <3
So here I go:
What is your favorite valentines day tradition?
What is your favorite thing to get on Valentines day?
Chocolate or Flowers?
Red or Pink?
Ok so that's all I can come up with right now so...
I shall tag:
With Valentines Day love,
Cori <3
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Another Award, YAY!!!!!

I got another award
Thanks Kenzy for awarding this to me.
Tell your readers 7 things about yourself.
Ok then:
1.I Luv books more than tv.
2. My favorite color is red but my room and a bunch of other things are painted pink.
3. I love those cake off shows on tv.
4. Grammar is my favorite subject in school.
5. I love to act though I've never really been in any onstage performance other than Church Christmas programs.
6. Disney Channel is my favorite channel.
7.I love CHOCOLATE!!!!!
I shall award:
Sunday, February 7, 2010
My Sister's Blog.
As many of you probably know, I have a sister..lol
Anyway she has a really cute blog that I helped her design.
She would really like it if you could check it out and maybe even follow it too.
The link to her blog is on my side bar.
Please check out, its really cute. Thanks :D
P.S I think this is the first time I've actually posted more than once a day.. lol
Anyway bye for now :D
Friday, February 5, 2010

I've seen this for a while and I've wanted to try it but I could never figure it out.
So here I go. The first post for "A Teen Girl's Day Book".
Date: 1/5/10
Starting time: 4:24
Mood: Happy
Outside my window: Wind blowing the little bit of snow on the ground away.
I'm think: About Dinner
I'm reading: Nothing
I'm listening to: Commercials on TLC
I'm wearing: A cute Cami over a long sleeve white shirt and jeans.
Yesterday I: Had my violin lesson and had a bible study with my friends.
I'm excited for: A daddy daughter dance tomorrow night.
I'm sad because: My throat is sore.
I'm hungry for: Chocolate ice cream.
The song stuck in my head is: Its your life. By Francessca Battistelli.
I want: The projector in our basement to work again.
I love: movies
I hate: Liars.
This week my goal is: I can't think of anything right now.
Did I meet my goal of last week? Yeah, I think so.
Ending time: 4:31
Hope I did it right. It was pretty fun. I think i'm going to do this every Friday.
Thanks for reading. :D
Teen Girl's Day Book.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Another Tag :D
Thanks Sharayah for tagging me :)
Here I go :
1.List 10 of you very favorite movies: wow, um, ok i'll try. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Evam Almighty, Avatar, National Treasure 1, National Treasure 2, Night at the Museum 1, Night at the Museum 2, Bridge to Terabithia, Race to Witch mountain (the new one), Journey to the Center of the Earth.
2.What are your favorite books: Percy jackson and the Olympians series, Dreamhouse Kings Series, City of Ember.
3.Where do you Want to be right now? At my friend's house to play the wii.
4.How many blogs do you have? 1
5.Are you a neat freak or a messy girl? Messy, I don't mean to though. :)
6.Have you ever had a cavity? Just one but it was a baby tooth that fell out.
7.Do you play an instrument? Yes violin.
8.Have you ever broken a bone in your body? No and I'm not planning on it either.
9.What is your favorite band? Superchick.
10.What's your favorite day of the week? Friday.
11.Writing or reading? writing.
There you go.
I will tag:
Thanks guys.
-Cori :)
Here I go :
1.List 10 of you very favorite movies: wow, um, ok i'll try. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Evam Almighty, Avatar, National Treasure 1, National Treasure 2, Night at the Museum 1, Night at the Museum 2, Bridge to Terabithia, Race to Witch mountain (the new one), Journey to the Center of the Earth.
2.What are your favorite books: Percy jackson and the Olympians series, Dreamhouse Kings Series, City of Ember.
3.Where do you Want to be right now? At my friend's house to play the wii.
4.How many blogs do you have? 1
5.Are you a neat freak or a messy girl? Messy, I don't mean to though. :)
6.Have you ever had a cavity? Just one but it was a baby tooth that fell out.
7.Do you play an instrument? Yes violin.
8.Have you ever broken a bone in your body? No and I'm not planning on it either.
9.What is your favorite band? Superchick.
10.What's your favorite day of the week? Friday.
11.Writing or reading? writing.
There you go.
I will tag:
Thanks guys.
-Cori :)
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