Hey Guys,
I got tagged, its been a wile to so I'm super excited
Erin :)
#1-What song are you currently listening to a lot?
Follow you by Leeland and Brandon Heath
#2- What is the best book you have read recently?
Not so much recently but, The Percy Jackson series
#3-Do you sing a lot?
I'm not very good, but I do like to.
#4-Sweet or salty?
Sweet :)
#5-What is your favorite hobby?
#6-What books have you read at least 3 times?
I don't think I've ever read a book 3 times before.
#7-What sites do you always visit when you get on the Internet?
Facebook, my email, my blog,
#8-What were the last things you bought?
A cute jean skirt and a few camis
#9-Which fictional character do you think you are most like?
I can't really think of one right now.
#10-Favorite earliest memory?
I remember when I still slept with a blanket I would lose it every night and my mom and I (sometimes my dad) would have to look for it before I went to bed..lol..isn't that cute :)
#11-What do you do to change your mood?
Write or read, sometimes get on the computer
#12-What was the last meal you ate?
Well, Dinner but I had gummy worms last night with a movie..lol
#13-Do you want to learn another language?
Yes, Spanish
#14-Five things you can’t live without?
1. My Family
2. My puppy Charlotte
3.My friends
4. Computer
5. Food
#15- Find the closest book to you, and flip to page 54. What is the first sentence in the 2nd paragraph
Actually there aren't any books around me at the moment..lol
#16-What is something you would like to say right now?
Not sure right now
#17-What are you looking forward to?
Swimming today at a hotel that my aunt, uncle and cousin are staying at :)
I tag:
Thanks Erin!!