Recently, I created a YouTube account I've uploaded 3 videos in just 5 days time because its just so much fun to make these things!! Anyway, this is my latest video that I made yesterday with one of my friends Tiphanie!! It was a lot of fun and even though the music video doesn't really have anything to do with the song I still like how it turned out. I was really frustrated at how hard it was to make a movie with music.With having to fit the videos just right into the music and, oh my gosh it took 3 tries to get it right but, I stuck with it and this is the result.
The second part of me singing is a little off but, I think it happened during the upload process. Enjoy!! Please let me know what you think and don't forget to check out the other 2 videos I have on my YouTube channel
Oh and for you who won something in my giveaway: seriously guys do you not want your prizes? Its really discouraging to find out that more than half of you who signed up and won something up aren't claiming your prize. I thought I could count on you guys but, it seems you kind of let me down. You only have 2 more days to claim the prizes and I doubt that will happen. :(