guess what??? I'm back!!!
After little less than a month I'm back on my blog.
I have lots of photos from my Vacation to share with you when all are edited to my liking but, right now I have something to discuss with you.
As I was on my break I had a thought that raced through my mind time and again. I love my blog and I love you followers with ALL my heart but, I think I've been focusing too much on trying to post what you want to read instead of what I want to post. This is after all my blog and I think it should be what I like. So, not to make you feel unimportant because you certainly make this blog worth something but, I think I'm going to be focusing on more fashion and things I enjoy and not have to feel bad if I don't post everyday. I hope you'll still be a supporter of my blog but, I'm just going to post when I feel like something I want to share is on my mind. I love all of you soooooo very much, thank you for your support :D
P.S to the ones who won my giveaway I am soooo sorry I have been very irresponsible about sending out your gifts. I will get your addresses and send them out as soon as I can :D
Here are some photos my sister and I took yesterday in the lovely sun that finally showed it's face to tie you over until I get my Vaca photos done ! Enjoy!!
Thanks again guys!! Let me know what you think!! :D